Filip Artych


Based at:

Gym 1971 Stratford
Unit 3 Hutchins Close,
E15 2JE


A bit about Fil

I grew up in Warsaw, Poland. My passion for sport started at a young age with mountain and downhill biking. Despite many injuries, I loved the challenge and excitement of tackling tough courses. During this time, I realised that supplementing the sport with additional training at the gym allowed my performance to peak. I found this fascinating and ultimately led me to a career as a personal trainer and later as a CrossFit coach. Joining RedPill Mentorship was the following step. Across many ups and downs, I realised that sport and movement is a remedy like nothing else, physically as well as mentally.

And why coaching?

I’ve always considered being helpful to someone as a great privilege. Add to this a mixture of great joy in observing and analysing it seemed like a natural choice. 

Building a relationship and supporting athletes of any level, to achieve their goals is as rewarding and fun, as it is humbling and challenging. 

What are your values as a coach?

All my successful relationships boil down to trust and empathy. Willingness to understand the athlete outside of his/her role and seeing them in their entirety is my most useful tool. That allows for commitment, engagement and honesty, which effectively create a great work environment.

What do you hope your future as a coach will look like?

I would like to work with a range of different athletes in various disciplines and levels. The goal is to create an environment which would facilitate that journey. Growing my knowledge as a coach to better understand the athletes is something I will continuously improve upon. Being a fan of sharing my experience, I would also love to be involved in the educational side of coaching.