Can you see the wood and the trees?

At first, a RedPill movement assessment can appear to be quite a random process that probably involves some recognisable stretches and exercises and some stretches and exercises that you have never seen before — but there is a method to the madness.

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Mike Holmes Comment
Performance vs effort

In this article, I’ll reveal some of the biggest obstacles that athletes face both in training and competition. I’ll give you some quick hacks and tips to help you identify if these are at play in your own regime and what you can do if they are. However — a word of caution — this is far easier said than done.

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Paul ShardComment
All about that base, no worries

Understanding the intricacies of a peak and all its nuances and complexities is an absolute art. Many people speak of peak training and how to and when to peak without possibly understanding the intricacies of a peak. An overriding factor that may slip past us as coaches or athletes is that in our desire to do well in the here and now, we forget to look back at the process — where we have come from and what we have been able to achieve chronically in our training.

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Philip MansfieldComment
How to build an athlete

“What’s different about it?” One of the most common questions we are asked by athletes who are new to RedPill coaching. Front and centre to the answer to this question is to explain HOW we do what we do, and that’s what this article is about. HOW we figure out what an athlete needs, regardless of their starting point, level, sporting history or indeed sport and then HOW we deliver that in our programming and coaching.

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Guest UserComment
Training camps: the why

Training camps are something that are popping up in the CrossFit community increasingly often, and particularly in preparation for competitions. At RedPill, we see training camps as a vital element for both coaches and athletes. But, why?

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Philip MansfieldComment
Why did we create RedPill Generic?

At RedPill, more than anywhere else, we appreciate that every athlete is an individual, and always strive for the optimal coaching for each individual for their personal situation and goals. However, we recognise that as a small team, we only have so many hours in the week between us to work with individuals, and that there was still a lot of room for improvement in the world of CrossFit generic programming.

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Ashley GrossmannComment
Get your core kipping ready

Do you struggle to increase your max sets of muscle ups, pull ups or toes to bar? Do you struggle to link a few reps together and feel your kip quickly gets out of rhythm? Do you feel you lose all speed and power at the bottom of your kip? Do you get lower back or shoulder pain when kipping? Do you do the chicken wing when performing a muscle Up?

If your answer is YES to one or more of those questions, chances are your core and how you train it is what is holding you back.

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Guest User Comment
Return to sport: stage one

The Red Pill team have a wealth of experience to draw upon when getting people back to training, whether it be the elite athletes or 5-a-side weekend footballers — the same principles apply. This will aim to give you a greater scope of knowledge, particularly looking at the first stage of an injury. I will endeavour to cover as broad a spectrum as possible, for the sake of safety, I’ll assume that the injuries you are thinking of have been assessed by a medical professional and you’re cleared to get started with some work.

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Living in the time of the expert

How will this era be reflected upon in 100 years? I find it a worthwhile and entertaining task to project forwards and look back. My conclusions are plenty: how will our current governments be viewed? Will historians with the benefit of their current luxuries condemn or applaud the directions we have taken?

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Philip MansfieldComment
André Houdet: “a promise is a promise”

André Houdet is one of CrossFit’s fastest-rising stars, and is snapping at the heels of the best. He’s probably one of the most dedicated people you’ll ever meet, but his story isn’t one of a pure drive to win or one of the chase for fame and fortune — it has family at the very core. 

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Georgie RastallComment
Working with RedPill - Carrie Ogilvie-Brown and Coach Brett Bennett

RedPill are famous for their biomechanics and attention to detail, however the principles of the RedPill methodology apply to all areas of coaching.  RedPill coaches take care of everything from programme design, training cycles and periodisation, psychology, through to skill work, technique, as well as the rehab and prehab that built the brand’s reputation. In this blog, we will follow two long-term clients’ journey from pain and injury through to unlocking new levels of performance in the competitive space. 

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Stability - the Unsung Hero of Movement and how it Affects Performance

Are you interested in:

  • Running faster?

  • Lifting heavier?

  • Improving your endurance?

  • Improving your mobility?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then you need to pay attention to stability.

Stability can be defined as: 'the property of a body that causes it when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion to develop forces or moments that restore the original condition.’

So, what gives you good or bad stability? Like pretty much everything else, it’s a skill. We’re matching sensory input with appropriate motor outputs.

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Guest UserComment
CrossFit Games Replication Weekend 2019

RedPill Training held a CrossFit Games replication weekend for their Games athletes, 14 events over one weekend. Phil Mansfield gives his thoughts on how the weekend went.

“Just heading to the airport to drop the guys off after a very successful replication weekend. We held 14 WODs, tested pretty much everything that could come up in CrossFit. We flipped things, paddled on things, lifted things, ran, biked. Did some classics…

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