Returning to sport from injury

How do you know when your athlete is ready to go back to sport? What are the criteria and the thought processes behind us as coaches and how we allow athletes to return to sport? When do you allow them to go back to training and what is involved in that decision process?

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Flexiblilty vs stability

In this episode, Phil, James, and Jemma discuss flexibility, stability, and how the two exist within motion. They chat about why flexibility and stability are difficult topics to research in tandem, how to assess them in isolation with athletes, strategies about identifying how they exist within motion, how to separate them out to see them within motion, and what strategies to use to help people with deficits in either area.

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Culture in sport

Different sports display different cultural characteristics.

Phil Mansfield and James Jowsey explore their experience of different sports to highlight the varying cultures in each one. From sportswear to admitting injury, every sport is different. Is there an opportunity to learn from one another?

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