RedPill Skills day

What is a Skills Day?

The RedPill Skills Day is the perfect opportunity to advance your game. We’ll deep-dive into our coaching framework focusing on subjects such as mechanics, skill, thresholds and psychology. The goal is to give you a chance to fine-tune your skills and improve your ultimate placing. We’ll be pushing your boundaries and asking you to step out of your comfort zone - all in a positive training environment with a group of like-minded people. We always adapt the content and work to each athlete, making it suitable for athletes of all abilities.


A guide to the day:

Session one:

Welcome brief, and movement focus

We’ll deliver an opening brief, the purpose of the skills day. We’ll help shift athletes’ mindset to an ‘athlete mindset’, and pay closer attention to detial to the areas of their performance leading up to the Open that can make big differences on game day.

Session two:


We’ll utilise our foundational knowledge in movement mechanics to help athletes get into and out of the bottom position of the snatch.

We’ll then get the barbells out and show you the difference these small tweaks can make.

Session three:


In this session we’ll be going through our theory of ‘uphills vs downhills’ adapted for CrossFit from elite cycling theory.

Session four:


Building on session three, the thresholds session shows where the nuances of CrossFit come into play when we look at pacing. How to ‘buy and sell’ extra time during workouts when we factor in energy demands.

Session five:


30 minutes

We’ll get into the psychology framework used by the Red Pill coaching team with all of our athletes. We’ll explain the four stages required for self-development and dive deeper into one of the techniques that you can take away and use in your own training.

Session six:

Q&A and closing

Bring prepared questions relating to training, as this is your chance to fill gaps in your knowledge with an experienced Red Pill Coach.