Theo Dalton


A bit about Theo

I was born and raised in Oxford. The city tried many times to get me into their prestigious University. But I decided a life of sport was for me.

I spent most of my youth playing football. I was always passionate about training and started training in the gym at young age. I have coached Crossfit for 8 years now, and have also competed at many Individual events in the UK and also Europe.

And why coaching?

I knew from a very young age that I wanted to have a career in sport. I left school at 16 and jumped straight into sports science at college. At the age of 18 I went into personal training and have been coaching people ever since. As a coach, I thrive off of the small daily wins with clients. Coaching CrossFit, I constantly came across people with movement dysfunctions or injuries which were problems that I didn’t have the answers for. I knew I needed the tools and knowledge to understand and help these clients — which is why I joined RedPill.

What are your values as a coach?

Hard work and dedication. There’s nothing I enjoy more than watching someone putting the work in day after day and being fully engaged in the process.

What do you hope your future as a coach will look like?

I want to keep developing as a RedPill coach and therapist so that I can work with a range of athletes in elite sports.